
試駕 Lamborghini Urus 的一天,車評工作跟你想的一樣嗎? - What it’s really like to be a car journalist?【CC字幕】

對於車評的工作,很多人充滿好奇,每天接觸新車?大有機會試駕夢幻名車?但工作內容真的這麼夢幻嗎?剛好趁著我們試駕 Lamborghini Urus 的一天,一起去瞧瞧吧! 請搭配Lamborghini Urus 試車報導一起服用! 2GameSome 有車賞:https://2gamesome.com.tw/article/view/85 "Another Vlog in the Office, episode #3" - English Captions' also available! Is car journalist really a dream job? Testing the Lamborghini Urus with us ! 2GameSome 有車賞:https://2gamesome.com.tw/ Facebook 臉書粉專:https://www.facebook.com/2GameSome/ 2GameSome Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/2gamesome/ #Vlog #Lamborghini #Urus

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